Wednesday, May 12, 2010

GaGa Fever!

Seriously who dares to wear lingerie out in public and yet look so chic?

I love LADY GAGA just because she is so crazy and different. Many would think she is an attention whore but I beg to differ. She is just "GORGEOUSLY INSANE" ;)

Everything about her is so fresh and cool. I wish I have half her wits and eccentric-ness.

I doubt she'll ever come tour in MSIA.

Aih, at least I can see live performances on Youtube.

My Love for Beer

Since I have been back from Aussie I have been missing a good wine. A good wine here can cost up to RM 200 so I'd better just stick to something less expensive, A BEER!

Blubbly, Foamy, Sexy, Fatty, and most importantly REFRESHING! Not too cheap either but affordable enough and great enough to get the mood swing off. Definitely a keeper and it's My NEW FAVORITE DRINK whenever I am out.

I love anything from Hooegarden to A Guiness Stout.

Aww, I would so love a pint now.
